Recently, many users has complained that they are detecting Facebook Messenger Not Working Error. If you are also dealing with such issue then no need to panic because you have landed at perfect destination. In this article, you will learn complete information about Facebook Messenger Not Working Error, its causes, manual and automatic ways to resolve the issue. In fact, these steps can be easily followed by the non-technical users also. So, we suggest you to read the post thoroughly and follow the instructions in step-by-step manner.

About Facebook Messenger Not Working Error:
Facebook Messenger is one of the popular app which is compatible with Android operating system. It allows the users to send and receiving messages from their facebook friends. Even more, it has many more features which also allows the users to make audio or video calls. It is extremely an useful app but it is not error free. Some users detects Facebook Messenger Not Working Error. In such a case, users will be unable to send or receive messages. You may also find crashing of the apps or screen loading gets stuck problem. It is completely an annoying situation for the users.
Main Causes of Facebook Messenger Not Working Error:
There are several factors which are responsible for Facebook Messenger Not Working Error. Some of the common causes are mentioned below:
- Facebook messenger app is facing temporary server problem.
- Your Internet connection is not working properly.
- Unwanted glitch or bugs in the app.
- Using outdated version of the messenger app.
- Abrupt function of the facebook messenger app.
- Account related problem.
How to Get Rid of Facebook Messenger Not Working Error Manually?
There are several ways which can help you to resolve Facebook Messenger Not Working Error. The important points are mentioned below:
Method 1: Check your Internet connection
Sometimes, weak internet connection also stops the users from accessing the facebook messenger app. So, you need to check your internet connection is working properly or not. To resolve internet issues, follow the given steps:
- Try to turn on and turn off the Airplane mode.
- Change to other Wi-Fi connection.
- Make use of wired Internet connection.
- Try to place your device near the router.
Also Read: How to Get Rid of WiFi Connected But No Internet Error on Android
Method 2: Force Stop the Messenger app
You may find Facebook Messenger Not Working Error due to some temporary issues also. To fix such problem, follow the given steps:
- Find the Messenger app from the home screen.
- You need to long press on app icon and click on App info option.
- Now, click on Force Stop option.

- After few minutes, launch the app again.
Method 3: Check for Server Issue on Facebook
It is also possible that facebook messenger is facing any type of temporary server outages. In such a case, you can wait for some time. It will be fixed automatically after sometime.
Method 4: Clear the Cache and Data related to Facebook
Corruption of app data and cache also stops the users from using it normally. In order to remove such data, you are advised to follow the given steps:
- Open the Settings of the Android smartphone.
- Go to Apps and click on Facebook Messenger
- Now, click on Storage option.
- Finally, click on Clear cache and Clear Data option.
Method 5: Close the background app
If lots of apps are running in the background then they will use huge space and thus launching a new app will cause trouble. To close the running apps, you are advised to follow the simple steps:
- From the homescreen, you need to click on Burger icon
- The preview of each app will appear, you need to swipe up or left to close them.
Method 6: Update the Facebook Messenger App
Sometimes, using the outdated version of the app also causes annoying errors on the screen. So, you should try to update the app by following given steps:
- Open Google Play Store in your phone.
- Click on Profile icon and select Manage apps & device.
- Go to Updates Available section.
- Find any update related to Facebook Messenger app.

- If available, click on Download & Install button.
How to Get Rid of Facebook Messenger Not Working Error Automatically?
If you are unable to fix Android issues manually then we suggest you to make use of Android Repair Tool. It is one of the advanced software which is capable to scan the system internally and resolve the annoying errors permanently. This tool also carries ability to fix crashing of apps, blue/black screen, vertical lines and many more. Due to easy-to-use interface, it can be easily handled by the non-technical users also. So, what are you thinking for, download the trial version of the tool without making any delay.