If you have landed at our page then it might be possible that you are facing data loss issue from Oppo Reno 13 Pro smartphone. You will be glad to know that you have reached at perfect destination. After going through the given article, you will learn detailed information about Oppo Reno 13 Pro, causes of data loss, manual and automatic data recovery steps. So, we strongly suggest you to go through the given article and follow the instructions in given manner. It will definitely help you to regain all the files in their original quality.
About Oppo Reno 13 Pro:
Oppo Reno 13 Pro is one of the advanced smartphone which was launched on 25th November 2024. It has been powered by Android 15 operating system with 3.35 MHz octa-core processor. It has 6.83 inch touchscreen display with 2800 x 1272 pixel resolution. You will get 16GB RAM and 1TB storage capacity for saving huge amount of files or data. Moreover, it also supports triple rear cameras with 50MP + 8MP + 50MP and 50MP front facing camera. The battery capacity of the device is 5800mAh which supports wireless as well as 80W fast charging feature. It is available in Pink, Black and Purple colors.
Causes Responsible for Data Loss from Oppo Reno 13 Pro:
Sometimes, silly mistakes of the users are responsible for data loss issue from Oppo Reno 13 Pro. Some of the common causes are given below:
Water Damage: Sometimes, mishandling of the device can results to falling in water. In such a case, you will lose all the files permanently.
Virus Attack: Visiting unreliable sites and downloading on suspicious links can bring harmful threats in the device. It can corrupt all the files severely and makes them inaccessible.
Formatting of Internal Memory: If you will attempt to format the internal memory or SD card in the absence of backup then you can lose all the data permanently.
Corruption of Operating System: When you will perform any type of interruption while updating the operating system then you will fail to boot the device. It can cause corruption of saved data.
Changing Files Extensions: If you will attempt to change the files extensions manually by renaming them then it will corrupt all the files.
How to Get Back Lost Contacts of Oppo Reno 13 Pro?
- Open Google Contacts in your smartphone.
- Go to Fix & Manage tab and click on Restore Contacts.
- Choose the account in which you have stored backup and click on the Restore option.
How to Recover Deleted Photos or Videos?
- Launch Google Photos apps and and click on Library tab.
- From the Trash bin, you can find your important files.
- Choose your required pictures or videos and click on Restore button.
How to Get Back Deleted Documents?
- Open Google Drive and click on the menu icon.
- Search the deleted files from Transh folder.
- Select the important files and click on Restore option.
Method 2: Make use of Oppo Reno 13 Pro Cloud Services:
You should know that Oppo Reno 13 Pro devices comes with cloud services in order to create backup and restore files. So, if you have also backup up your data then you can get them back easily.
- Launch Oppo Reno 13 Pro Cloud in the smartphone.
- Login your account by using the mobile number.
- After signing in, you can click on data type which you want to restore.
- Select the important files and click on Download button.
Method 3: Use PC Backup File to Restore Lost Data
PC backup is yet another important way to restore lost files. To restore, you can follow the given steps:
- Make use of USB cable to connect the Oppo Reno 13 Pro device with the PC.
- Click on File Transfer option from the pop up menu.
- Go to the Backup folder in the system.
- Select the important files and transfer them to the phone.
How to Restore Deleted Data of Oppo Reno 13 Pro Automatically?
If you have tried all the possible ways to regain all the data and ended up with failure then we suggest you to use Android Data Recovery Software. It is one of the advanced tool which is capable to perform deep scanning in the system in order to regain the deleted, corrupted, formatted or encrypted files immediately. Moreover, it will help you to restore different formats of files including photos, videos, documents, messages, contacts etc. The best part of the tool is that it will not change the files quality and format. Due to user-friendly interface, it can be handled by the novice users. So, download the trial version of the tool without making any delay.
Prevention Tips to Avoid Data Loss from Oppo Reno 13 Pro:
As you know, prevention is better than cure. So, users are advised to take little prevention while using the device then they can degrade the chances of data loss. The important points are mentioned below:
Try to create backup copy of the files at different locations.
Do not interrupt during the file transfer process.
Avoid formatting the device without create the backup.
Protect your device from water damage.
Avoid resetting the device to the factory settings.