Tutorial to Use Weather App in Samsung Galaxy

Are you unable to launch weather app in your Samsung Galaxy phone? Are you looking for any tutorial guide? If Yes, read the complete post and solve your issue. The Galaxy S9 has many features, one of which is the Weather app. You can place this weather widget on your home screen to predict the current weather conditions and the weather for the next few days. Below you will get step by step tutorial to launch weather app in Samsung Galaxy.

launch weather app in your Samsung Galaxy

Step 1

Add a weather widget to your home screen.

Step 2

Click the “Click here to add cities” link and select the location you want to monitor the weather. When you select a location, the app automatically retrieves the latest forecast data and displays it on your home screen.

Step 3

Tap anywhere on the weather widget to load. Here you can see the regional forecast for the next 7 days.

Step 4

Tap the “Menu” icon in the upper right corner and tap “Settings” to bring up the settings screen.

Step 5

Configure the desired settings. Tap the “Units” field to change the default temperature unit. Tap “Auto Refresh” to update how often your Android device updates its forecasts. You can also customize whether widgets automatically refresh when you open them, whether they need to refresh when roaming, widget transparency, and whether you want to be notified of upcoming bad weather.

Step 6

To save your changes and return to the main AccuWeather screen, tap the “Settings” icon in the upper left corner.

Facing issues in the above app? If Yes, it is advised to go with Android Data Recovery Tool. The tool comes with lots of advanced features using which it solve all the android related issues in just few clicks.

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